International Day of Peace: How to Live a Stress-Free Life?

“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

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This quote Emerson has a more profound connotation than what might appear on the surface. When we talk about being at peace with oneself, it doesn’t simply mean living a life of fewer wants or that of penance.

Instead, being at peace implies that we need to accept both successes and failures in their stride and to use these experiences to improve as a person continually. At the same time, we must acknowledge any signs of stress or uneasiness that might creep up and take steps to mitigate the cause before it can severely hamper our health.

In today’s day and age; however, being at peace is easier said than done. Given our fast-paced lifestyle, irregular work hours and unrealistic deadlines, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep stress at bay.  

On the 21st of September, as the world gets ready to celebrate the International Day of Peace, it is an opportunity for you to acknowledge if you are indeed at peace or are experiencing any form of stress.

Causes of Stress

Physicians across the world describe a variety of reasons that might cause stress in individuals, including:

1. Not being happy with your job

2. Having too much responsibility or a heavy workload

3. Working irregular hours

4. Having poor management or unclear expectations at work

5. Working under potentially dangerous conditions

6. Having no say in the decision-making process

7. Being insecure about your chances for having a promotion at work

8. The potential risk of termination

9. Facing harassment or discrimination at work

While the reasons mentioned above are primarily associated with your workplace, several other reasons might cause stress to you, at a more personal level. These precursors of stress may include:

1. Increasing financial obligations

2. Getting married or expecting a child

3. Chronic ailment or injury

4. Emotional turmoil such as those caused by depression, anxiety, grief, anger, low self-esteem and guilt

Overall, the level of stress will differ based on your disposition towards life, your personality, and how you choose to respond to a particular situation.

How to Cure Stress?

Prolonged stress can cause severe health implications in your body. When in a stressful situation, your mind launches a physical response to counter the effects of the case. The nervous system springs into action, and the body releases hormones to either influence you to take on the situation head-on or choose to back off.

Either way, you need to overcome your emotions and stress at large. Here are a few ways you can reduce stress while continually improve your health and mood:

Exercise Regularly

Exercising daily is one way you can help your body lower the stress hormones such as cortisol while increasing the level of endorphins. These endorphins act as natural painkillers and help improve your mood in the long run.

Include Supplements into Your Diet

While there is no replacement for a healthy, well-balanced diet, you must look to include natural supplements in your diet, which may help reduce both anxiety and stress. For example, green tea is rich in polyphenol antioxidants and help reduce stress by increasing the serotonin levels in your body.

Other supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry), kava kava (a psychoactive member of the pepper family) and valerian root (it contains valerenic acid, which in turn, helps alter the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in your body to lower stress)

Create a Robust Financial Foothold for the Future 

Effective stress management is not only about improving your mood and overall health, but also about keeping your mind free from any financial worries. As your responsibilities increase, your financial obligations too. Not only do you have to take care of your needs and life goals but also have to support the lifestyle needs and aspirations of your family.


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It is crucial here that you realize that relying entirely on your paycheck to support you and your family’s needs is not wise. Consider a scenario, when you are the only breadwinner of your family and say, an accident or an eventuality puts an end to your income. How will your family manage their daily expenses, let alone work towards achieving their dreams? Without you, they will not only have to deal with the emotional loss but will also find themselves financially unstable.

To avoid any such situation, it is imperative that you create a robust financial safety net to secure your family’s future. Thus, it would help if you did not only work towards maximizing your savings through disciplined, long term investments but also prepare for life’s uncertainties. You can consider long term financial security through term life insurance and while preparing for any medical emergencies through many add on benefits a term plan offers.

Beat Financial Stress, the Max Life Way!

As a family person, it is imperative that you have a lot going on in your life. With all the work-related issues and concerns of your family’s well-being, you might be taking a lot more stress than necessary, which is not going to do you any good.

What you need to do; instead, is to focus on spending time with your loved ones while never letting any financial or personal stress hamper your health. At Max Life Insurance, we understand that your presence itself, has much tangible value for your family and being under stress, you can easily jeopardize your and your family’s future.

You can ease the stress off your shoulders by investing in instruments that provide financial security in crises so that you are not left wanting. At Max Life Insurance, we offer a range of life insurance plans, retirement plans, savings plans, and child plans, to help you plan against an eventuality pre-emptively and focus on your life goals, not liabilities.




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