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Max Life Assured Wealth Plan

Presenting Max Life Assured Wealth Plan a Non-Linked, Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan

Life is all about fulfilling the dreams of your loved ones and goals like your savings, children’s education, marriage, and your peaceful retirement. However, in an environment full of uncertainty and volatility, you need guaranteed assurance that surmounts all such risks. We understand the significance of such milestones and thus secure your financial future by helping you pursue your dreams towards accomplishing these milestones with certainty.

3 Reasons Why You should Buy Max Life Assured Wealth Plan

  • Get a fully guaranteed lump sum maturity benefit to meet your savings goals
  • Flexible Premium Payment and Policy Term Options to help build wealth by saving systematically
  • Lump sum death benefit is paid to the nominee ensuring complete financial security for your loved ones in your absence

What do You get with Max Life Assured Wealth Plan?

What do You get with Max Life Assured Wealth Plan?

All You Need to Know about Max Life Assured Wealth Plan

All You Need to Know about Max Life Assured Wealth Plan

Insert Image Death Benefit

Payable on the death of the life insured during the policy term provided the policy is in force.

The lump sum ‘Death Benefit' is payable immediately to the nominee and is defined as the higher of:

  • 10 times the sum of annualised Premium* and underwriting extra premiums, (if any),
  • 105% of the sum of TotalPremiums Paid, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums (if any) as on the date of death of the life insured
  • Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity
  • #Any absolute amount assured to be paid on death


*Annualised Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, and loadings for modal premiums, if any.

#Absolute amount assured to be paid on death is equal to zero under this product

The policy gets terminated after payment of the Death Benefit.

Insert Image Maturity Benefit

Payable on the date of maturity

Maturity benefit is equal to the Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity (GSAM).  The policy gets terminated after the payment of the maturity benefit.

Insert Image Surrender Benefit

Payable immediately on surrender

The policy can only be surrendered once it acquires a Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) i.e. on payment of the first two full year’s premium.

The surrender value will be equal to the higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) or Special Surrender Value (SSV). The GSV is defined as:

GSV factor x (Total Premiums Paid plus loading for modal premiums (if any) for base policy)

In practice, an SSV will be paid to the policyholder, which will always be higher than or equal to the GSV.

The policy gets terminated after payment of surrender benefit.

Total Premiums Paid means the total of all the premiums received, excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes.

The GSV factors for the base policy are as follows:

Policy year

Guaranteed Surrender Value factors















8 +

Graduating linearly from 56% to 90% during the last two policy years using the following formula:

Minimum (56% + [(34% x (N-7)) /(Policy term - 8)], 90%)

Where N: Year of surrender


Insert Image Reduced Paid Up (RPU) Benefit

Once the policy has acquired a surrender value, in case of non-payment of due premiums before the expiry of the grace period

Once the policy has acquired a surrender value, in case of non-payment of due premiums before the expiry of the grace period

Once the policy has acquired a surrender value, in case of non-payment of due premiums till the expiry of the grace period, the policy will not lapse but will become Reduced Paid Up (RPU). The policy will continue with reduced benefits as below:

RPU Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity = ((Total Premiums Paid plus loadings for modal premiums paid (if any) for base policy) / (Total Premiums Payable  plus loadings for modal premiums payable (if any) for base policy)) * Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity.

RPU Death Benefit = ((Total Premiums Paid plus loadings for modal premiums paid (if any) for base policy) / (Total Premiums Payable plus loadings for modal premiums payable (if any) for base policy))* Death Benefit

The death benefit and maturity benefit for a policy in RPU mode will be as follows:

Death Benefit for an RPU Policy: RPU Death Benefit will be paid immediately on the death of the life insured during the term of the policy in RPU status.

Maturity Benefit for an RPU Policy: RPU Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity shall be payable on the maturity date. 

Insert Image Tax Benefit

You may be entitled to certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and Policy benefits

Please note that all the tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. It is advisable to seek independent tax advice.

Please look at some examples below. The below-listed scenarios are assumed for a healthy male (without loading and all applicable taxes, cesses and levies as imposed by the Government).


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Age of Life Insured

35 years

35 years

35 years

Premium Payment Term/Policy Term

5 Pay 10

5 Pay 10

5 Pay 10

Annualised Premium*




Total Annualised Premium




Guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured




* Annualised Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a policy year chosen by the policyholder, excluding Extra Premium, Rider Premium, loading for modal premiums and applicable taxes, cesses and levies, if any.

Age of the Life Insured at Entry
(age as on last birthday)

Minimum entry age : 0 (91 Days)

Where the life to be insured is a minor at the date of commencement of the policy, there shall be a proposer to propose Life Insurance cover on the life of the minor. The proposer shall have an insurable interest in the life of the minor. The proposer is the rightful owner of the policy during the minority of the life insured. The policy shall continue on the life of the life insured once they attain majority. The relationship of the proposer to the Life insured (minor) shall be either parent or legal guardian and the same shall be mentioned in the proposal form.

Maximum entry age : 60 years

Policy Term

For PPT5: 10, 15, 20 years
For PPT8: 16 years
For PPT 10: 15, 20 years

Premium Payment Term

5, 8 or 10 years

Guaranteed Sum Assured  at  Maturity


Rs. 1,61,225


Subject to limits determined in accordance with the Board approved underwriting policy of the Company


Premium Payment Mode & Modal Factors: Annual and Monthly Only

Premium Payment Mode

Modal Factors






Minimum Premium:

Premium Payment Mode

Minimum Premium


Rs. 24,000


Rs. 2,000

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Premium Rates Table
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Additional Benefits through Riders

Additional Benefits through Riders

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Why Choose Max Life

Here are some of the numbers that speak about our accomplishments

Why Choose Max Life

Here are some of the numbers that speak about our accomplishments
Claims Paid Percentage



(Source: Individual Death Claim Paid Ratio as per Audited Financials for FY 2023-2024)

Max Life's Presence

304 Offices

304 Offices

(Source: As reported to IRDAI, FY 2023-24)

Sum Assured

₹1,779,409 Cr.

₹1,779,409 Cr.

In force (individual) (Source: Max Life Public Disclosure, FY 2023-24)

Assets Under Management

₹150,836 Cr.

₹150,836 Cr.

(Source: Max Life Public Disclosure, FY 2023-24)

More reasons why our customers choose us

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