This is a one-stop center for reviewing all fund performance metrics. Check NAV Performance, Fund Portfolio and much more.
We believe that your long term goals need to be fulfilled conveniently. Our investments are focused on protecting your hard-earned money and generating consistent returns to help you achieve your dreams and aspirations.
You can select a plan and its related fund to view the current and historical NAV and performance.
Get a snapshot of your all unit linked funds
Track your fund performance over each year
Go to Fund Performance FAQ section for other frequently asked questions.
Knowledge Center

Create wealth with equity markets
How can you save money for your retirement years with equity investments..

Pension Plans or Mutual Funds?
A typical retirement plan consists of one or more asset classes such as EPF...

5 Different Type of ULIP Funds
ULIPs give you the dual benefit of saving for various life stage goals along with an insurance cover..
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