10 Questions you Need to Ask yourself Today

An unexamined life is not worth living. – The Socrates

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Life’s journey is long, and sometimes you may think like you are only going through the motions, feeling disoriented and demotivated. However, at such times, it is imperative that you ask yourself questions and reflect on your lifestyle choices and habits. This will help you in unlocking your potential, to create a happier and more meaningful future.


10 Questions you Need to Ask yourself Today

(Image Credit: Shutterstock)


So, if you too are seeking to make an ascent in life, then here are few life questions to ask yourself-


1.  Do You Feel Healthy?

Absence of disease does not always mean that you are healthy. So, therefore, you need to ask yourself today, that are you really healthy?

Your body sends you signals in different forms such as sudden energy dry spells, irritability, frequent flu, and other such conditions to tell you that things are in deficiency or disbalance. These conditions, if ignored over time, can cause you significant health challenges such as heart and lung damage, cancer, diabetes and other such diseases.


So, asking this question can help you bring to light all the little health conditions that you may have been ignoring.


2. What Are the Lifestyle Choices You Need to Alter?

After considering your health and energy levels, question yourself on what are the lifestyle choices and habits that you need to do away with, or at least modify a bit.


From excessive consumption of sugar, salt and alcohol to smoking, not taking enough sleep, lack of exercise; identify these habits and then work on altering the same.


3.  Are You Taking Sufficient Care of Your Mental Health?

Your mental health contributes to your physical health, social life, and, also to your productivity at workplace and otherwise. Therefore, it is essential that you examine how well you are taking care of your mental health. Towards this, you should reflect on the following-


     a) Amount of sleep you are taking

     b) Amount of Time You Spend Online

     c) Type of People You Expose Yourself to

     d) Presence or Absence of Work-Life Balance


4.  Are You Emotionally Well Anchored?

Depression, a common mental condition nowadays, has its roots in emotional well-being. Many of you experience stress and anxiety that makes you feel emotionally strained.


Therefore, assess how well and how often do you share your thoughts and feelings with people. This will enable you to understand your emotional patterns, as well as identify those few people who can be your anchor during tough emotional phases.


5. Where Do You Want to Be 5 Years Down the Line?

You aspire to grow in your career and life, but are your gaols vague? The question you need to ask yourself today is that what exactly do you want to do with your life. Set specific goals in the present, and then direct your energies in the right direction. This will help you make the best use of your capabilities.


6. Are You Being Money Wise?

Achieving goals also requires the best use of resources such as money. In line with this, ask yourself that are you spending wisely, or are you making unnecessary spends?


Money is hard to earn, but easy to spend. So, keeping a check on your expenses will help you save money for the right things, saving you from compromises or regret later.


7. What Is Your Saving Ratio?

It is suggested that as your income grows, your savings should grow too. That is why examine what is your savings to income ratio. Ideally, you should start with saving at least 10 to 20 per cent of your income, and then gradually increase it. So, ask this question to yourself, to plan ahead as to how you can save more.


8. What Are You Doing to Achieve Your Goals?

Goals become achievable when you have a plan of action. So, you need to reflect if your plans only amount to wishful thinking or do you have a plan to realise them. Ask yourself this question daily to know if you’re advancing or retreating in your efforts.


9. What Keeps You Motivated?

Motivation is the life force that helps you advance towards the achievement of your life goals. However, everyday life can sap you of this force, leaving you feeling directionless. So, seriously identify what all things help you get back on track.


10. How Prepared Are You to Meet with Life Contingencies?

Life is unpredictable, and therefore, you must be well-prepared in advance, to ensure your family’s security and happiness. So, check today itself that have you secured your family sufficiently enough, against various unforeseen challenges?


If not, then you should invest your funds in policy plans that can provide your family with a financial safety net. You can add critical illness benefit to help your family meet the costly treatment expenses in case of serious ailments or a term plan that can enable them to maintain a decent lifestyle even after your demise.


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