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Become Atmanirbhar With Term Insurance?

Know how buying a term plan at the right age can make you Atmanirbhar.

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In an attempt to flatten the COVID-19 pandemic curve in India, the government put the entire country under lockdown since 25 March’20. Since then, our lives have changed significantly – in every conceivable way.

On one hand, there is stress about the financial future, job security, and economic recession, while living under the constant reminder of COVID-19 threat and avoiding all social contact.

While on the other, we are now more disciplined about personal hygiene and learning to live a life with modest needs and requirements. We have grown accustomed to keeping ourselves motivated while being confined to our homes and making sure that we stay healthy and happy. In other words, this worldwide pandemic has made us more ‘self-reliant’ or ‘Atmanirbhar’.

What Does Being ‘Atmanirbhar’ Mean?

The term ‘Atmanirbhar’ recently garnered significant attention after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an economic package named ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’. He emphasized the goal of the country to become self-reliant, considering each citizen to be a part of a family.

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In general, being ‘Atmanirbhar’ means the ability to take control of your life and stay motivated from within.

When you are ‘Atmanirbhar’, you tend to –

a) Trust yourself to make the right choices in life for yourself and your loved ones’

b) Accept the responsibilities and utilize your abilities to survive

c) Work towards achieving life goals, within the usual limitations of social distancing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

d) Feel proud of your achievements and capability to self-sustain

At large, self-reliance brings with it the confidence you need to realize your dreams and of those who matter to you. 

How Can You Become Atmanirbhar in Life? 

Being ‘Atmanirbhar’ is much more than just a catchphrase in the lives of Indian citizens. To some people, it sounds something ‘new’ but bears a close resemblance to the economic policies made after Indian independence.

However, the contemporary definition of ‘Atmanirbharta’ has taken varied forms in the ground reality. Here is a glimpse of all that Indians have been doing to become ‘Atmanirbhar’ during and post lockdown:

1. House Cleaning 

For many people, the lockdown has been a way to give their homes a complete makeover from the inside. While being at home, they worked on giving a new, fresh look to the interiors while also cleaning up the accumulated waste. This activity has helped many of us in escaping the drudgery of the same-old.

2. Cooking

During the lockdown, those who could not tell the difference between spices and condiments have started cooking food for their family. They have realized the fact that cooking is not rocket science and anyone can learn to cook. What had once begun with some family recipes have reached to online cooking classes for many.

3. Skill Development

Age can never be a hindrance if you want to learn something new. More people have realized this fact during the lockdown and have started adding more skills, be it personal or professional, to their skillset. At its core, skill development has become a way to utilize time the right way without wasting it for no good reason.

4. Physical Activities

The lockdown phase has also made people more aware of the importance of physical activities in life. While being at home, they took part in online workout sessions, Yoga classes, and dance classes to rejuvenate their body and feel like being at their best. 

How Can You Teach Your Family to Become Self-Sufficient? 

While you are closer to your loved ones during the lockdown, you can also help them become ‘Atmanirbhar’ in several ways.

1. Ask Your Kids to Help in the Kitchen 

A significant responsibility related to raising kids is to ensure they eat right and learn the importance of healthy eating. You feel good when your kids eagerly wait for you to cook food for them all. However, it is also crucial to enable the kids to cook food for themselves and others.

Start with interactive cooking sessions at home, plan cooking activities and games to allow your kids to learn how to cook while also become self-sufficient. This will not only add more skills to their skill set but also give you some helping hands for the kitchen chores.

2. Introduce Your Parents to Ordering Medicines Online 

In old age, medicines become an essential part of life to stay healthy. For your parents, you might be fulfilling the responsibility to buy medication for them offline through the local pharmacies. But these days, one can order medicines online from the comfort of your home.

For your parents, it would be beneficial if you tell them the process to order medicines online. Teach them about the steps to be followed to search and buy drugs online. It will not make them ‘Atmanirbhar’ but also take care of emergencies when you are not around to buy medicines for them.

3. Help Your Partner to Learn New Skills

Your spouse has an essential role in bringing joy and happiness to the entire family. While you go out for work, your partner would take good care of the household responsibilities and help you achieve work-life balance.

Still, one way to make your partner ‘Atmanirbhar’ or self-reliant is to help them learn a new skill, which is different from the usual tasks they usually indulge and excel in. You can introduce your spouse to take up skills such as photography, gardening, calligraphy, or business writing.

With these skills, your partner can manage to earn money if needed to support their needs and those of their loved ones. 

Why Should You be ‘Atmanirbhar’?

There are many reasons why becoming self-reliant or ‘Atmanirbhar’ in life is crucial for everyone.

1.Being able to think for yourself and your loved ones means evaluating what is right for them. You gauge over significant aspects and make decisions where there is no helping hand available.

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Why Should You be ‘Atmanirbhar’?

There are many reasons why becoming self-reliant or ‘Atmanirbhar’ in life is crucial for everyone.

1.Being able to think for yourself and your loved ones means evaluating what is right for them. You gauge over significant aspects and make decisions where there is no helping hand available.

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2. Self-reliance also helps in developing self-acceptance, which is the ability to love yourself and feel compassion. Although accepting the self with all your strengths and flaws is difficult, it helps you enjoy being who you are.

3. Another crucial benefit of being ‘Atmanirbhar’ is that you won’t depend entirely on others to feel happy. With time, you realize the power you have to control what happens in your life.

4. Self-reliance tends to improve your self-worth. Slowly, when you know you can trust your intuition, you feel more confident and responsible. 

Atmanirbharta - Importance of Staying Prepared for Uncertainties 

Just like in business, circumstances change in life as well, causing unforeseeable events to occur. While the events may seem unfair at times, it is crucial to understand that most people are exposed to similar eventualities in their lives.

While you cannot predict the future, you can plan for the uncertain times through smart choices. By staying prepared for the odds in life, you will not only get peace of mind but also gain the ability to respond right whenever troubles occur.

Here are some common ways you can follow to stay ‘Atmanirbhar’ against the tough times:

a) Plan well for different life stages

b) Invest money in various instruments like mutual funds or life insurance products based on your life goals

c) Keep an eye on the events you can control

d) Embrace opportunities amidst the chaos

e) Take calculative risks in life

Keep in mind that uncertainty is the ultimate reality for most of us. It is a characteristic of the future. With proper planning, it is possible to steer clear against the rough tides in the ocean of life.

Being ‘Atmanirbhar’ in Life with Term Insurance

After witnessing the current situation of COVID-19 spread across the globe, one can say it is nearly impossible to predict the future. While you are enjoying more time with your family these days, you get to understand the importance of family support.

Atmanirbhar Max Life Insurance

Being ‘Atmanirbhar’ in Life with Term Insurance

After witnessing the current situation of COVID-19 spread across the globe, one can say it is nearly impossible to predict the future. While you are enjoying more time with your family these days, you get to understand the importance of family support.

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To ensure that your loved ones stay financially secure and ‘Atmanirbhar’ in case something unexpected happens to you, buy a term plan. Term insurance helps you stay prepared for various uncertainties in life. It is a cost-effective way to create a financial blanket around your family. 

It asks for affordable premium for a significant life cover that the policy nominee will receive after your untimely demise. 

Here are a few ways in which term insurance make you and your family ‘Atmanirbhar’:

1. Significant Sum Assured at low rates of premium

2. No brokerage involved with online term plan purchase

3. Tax benefits

Atmanirbhar Max Life Insurance

It asks for affordable premium for a significant life cover that the policy nominee will receive after your untimely demise. 

Here are a few ways in which term insurance make you and your family ‘Atmanirbhar’:

1. Significant Sum Assured at low rates of premium

2. No brokerage involved with online term plan purchase

3. Tax benefits

Atmanirbhar Max Life Insurance

Due to the increasing awareness about financial security amidst COVID-19 pandemic, more people are willing to buy a term plan and receive the inherent benefits of a life cover. Purchasing a plan that is most suitable for your needs is a sensible decision during these tough times.

At Max Life Insurance, we have simplified the process of buying term insurance online, thus helping our customers become ‘Atmanirbhar’ and secure financial future of their family. You can request a quote or calculate term plan premium online with us in just a few simple steps. You can quickly check and compare term plan premiums using online term plan premium calculator. Explore the term plans we offer to allow us to provide financial protection to your family. 

ARN: Sep/Bg/14

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