Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan
In Unit Linked Policies, the investment Risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.

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Bhaskar Sinha
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8+ years of experience in Life Insurance with expertise in Developing Life and Health Products, Digital Sales, Conducting effective trainings and Key Account Management.
What is Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan?
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par is a comprehensive life insurance savings plan that offers a lifelong assurance of happiness. This insurance plan combines the power of Protection, Liquidity, and Flexibility into a simple solution, allowing you to fulfil the needs of your family and live out a Smart Life.
Features of Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan is available in four variants depending on when you wish to receive income early or a few years down the line. The following are some of its key features:

1. Income stream based on four different variants
The four different variants of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan are Insta Income, Balanced Income, Future Income, and Lifelong Income subject to your choice of income stream.
Here, the term income stream refers to the Survival Benefit payable over the policy term.
These four variants also attract the benefits of inbuilt guarantees and cash bonuses, subject to declaration, and life coverage during the policy term. Here, guarantees refer to guaranteed income payable in the case of Insta Income and Future Income variants for a period of 25 years or the policy term, whichever is lower.
In the case of Balanced Income variant, the guaranteed income is payable till the end of the policy term, whereas the Lifelong Income variant entitles you to an income stream till the age of 65 years during the policy term. Once you are 65, Enhanced Guaranteed Income is payable to you from the next policy anniversary to the policy maturity. However, cash bonuses are payable only if declared.
2. Choice of policy and premium payment terms
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers the flexibility of choice of both policy term and premium payment term (PPT). You can also choose to avail life coverage starting from the age of 20 to 40 years and ranging up to 100 years. The maximum maturity age available is 100 years and 85 years without and with Policy Continuance Benefit, respectively.
3. Enhanced protection through riders and Policy Continuance Benefit (PCB)
This plan allows you to enhance your protection by opting for riders in exchange for a small amount of extra premium payment. If you opt for PCB, your survival and maturity benefits are paid continuously as and when due, particularly in the case of the death of the Life Insured without paying an additional premium. The option of PCB is available with all variants except for Policy Term 100 – Age at Entry.
4. Additional options – ‘Save the date’, ‘Accrual’ of survival benefit, and ‘Premium offset’
The ‘Save the date’ option allows you to mark a particular date of the year when you wish to receive your survival benefits. You also get the option to let your survival benefit accrue with us if you do not need it immediately or have an expense planned. You can alternatively choose your survival benefit amount to offset against a coming premium. This option is a good choice if you wish to reduce your premium obligation.
5. Enhanced Guarantees with Lifelong income variant
Once the insured individual attains the age of 65 years, they are entitled to enhanced guaranteed income from the next policy anniversary. This benefit continues until the policy term ends.
6. Discounts and special benefits
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers you multiple discounts and benefits if you are an existing Axis Max Life customer, or a staff, transgender lives, and additional benefit at maturity for female lives.
7. Additional financial security with inbuilt additional accidental cover
This product offers a comprehensive death benefit in case of the death of the insured during the policy term. An additional amount equal to 50% of the sum assured on death, as the accidental death benefit, is added to the policy coverage if the insured dies due to an accident, once the premium payment term ends.
8. Loan offers
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers the option to avail a loan against the policy. This option is highly useful in the case of a financial emergency.
9. Tax Benefit
This life insurance savings plan entitles you to certain tax deduction as per prevailing income tax laws.
Benefits of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers great benefits with all four variants. Depending on your choice of policy variant, you may enhance the base coverage by adding one or more riders of your choice and policy continuance benefit. The following are some key benefits of this plan:

Survival benefit
The survival benefit is payable under all four variants of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan as cash bonus (if declared) and Guaranteed Income. The following is the description of the benefit under different variants:
- a. Insta Income
· Cash bonus (% of the annualised premium) if any, is payable from the first policy year to the end of the policy term- · Guaranteed income (% of the annualised premium) is payable from the first policy year to the end of the 25th policy year or the end of the policy term, whichever is earlier
- b. Balanced Income
· Cash bonus (% of the annualised premium) if any, is payable from the first policy year to the end of the policy term- · Guaranteed income (% of the annualised premium) is payable from the year PPT + 1 to the end of the policy term
- c. Future Income
· Cash bonus (% of the annualised premium) if any, is payable from the year PPT + 1 to the end of the policy term- · Guaranteed income (certain % of the annualised premium) is payable from the policy year PPT + 1 and payable till PPT+25 or till the end of the policy term, whichever is earlier
- d. Lifelong Income
· Cash bonus (% of the annualised premium) if any, is payable from the first policy year to the end of the policy term- · Guaranteed income (% of the annualised premium) is payable from the year PPT + 1 to the end of the policy year in which the life insured attains 65 years of age
- · Enhanced guaranteed income (four times the ‘guaranteed income’) is payable from the next policy anniversary after the life insured attains 65 years of age to the end of the policy term
Note: All four variants of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan provide the option to accumulate cash bonus and guaranteed income.
Here, PPT refers to Premium Payment Term.
Maturity benefit
The maturity benefit of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan is the sum of the following:
- a. Sum Assured on Maturity (SAM)
- b. Accrued Cash Bonus (if any)
- c. Accrued Guaranteed Income (if any)
- d. Additional Benefit on Maturity (in case of female life)
- e. Terminal Bonus (if any)
Note: Both b and c are applicable only if the ‘Accrual of Survival Benefits’ option is selected.
The maturity benefit is offered under all four variants of the plan and is only payable on completion of the policy term, provided all due premiums were paid and the policy was active.
SAM = Annualised Premium × Premium Payment Term
Additional Benefit on Maturity (in case of female life) = 10% of SAM
Death benefit
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers death benefit under this plan, which is subject to the Policy Continuance Benefit (PCB) selected when purchasing the plan.
- a. With Policy Continuance Benefit
- In the event of the death of the life insured, while the policy is in force, the following benefit is payable:
- · Death benefit: The benefit is higher of the following:
- o Sum assured on death
- o 105% of the Total Premium Paid + Underwriting Extra Premium along with loadings for the extra premium received as on the death of the life insured
Note: Accrued survival benefit (if any), if not already paid, shall be paid in addition to the death benefit.
· Policy Continuance Benefit: All future Cash Bonus (if declared) and Guaranteed Income and Maturity Benefit are payable as and when due in the future without having to pay any additional premium.
Note: Where PCB is opted for, after the death of the life insured, the beneficiary shall not be able to surrender the policy.
- a. Without Policy Continuance Benefit
- In the event of the death of the life insured while the policy is in force, the following benefit is payable:
- · Death benefit: The benefit is higher of the following:
- o Sum Assured on Death plus Terminal Bonus (if any) or
- o 105% of the Total Premium Paid + Underwriting Extra Premium along with loadings for the extra premium received as on the death of the life insured
Note: Accrued survival benefit (if any), if not already paid, shall be paid in addition to the death benefit.
The term ‘Total Premiums Paid’ means total of all the Premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.
Where Sum Assured on Death is an assured amount, which is guaranteed to become payable on death of the life insured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy. Sum Assured on Death shall be highest of:
- · 10-times the (Annualized Premium plus underwriting extra premium, if any)
- · Death Multiple x (Annualised Premium plus underwriting extra premium, if any)
How do Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan Variants Work?
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan comes with the optional Policy Continuance Benefit (PCB), which can only be chosen at policy inception, under all variants (except for term 100-age at entry). Choosing PCB ensures that, in case of death of the Life Insured during the policy term, in addition to the applicable death benefit, the nominee will continue to receive the Income/Survival and Maturity Benefits, as would be payable to the Policyholder if the Life Insured was alive, without having to pay any future premiums of base policy.
Note: Once chosen at policy inception, PCB cannot be opted out anytime during the Policy Term. To opt for PCB, the Policyholder and Life Insured must be the same individual. PCB and Waiver of Premium Plus (WOP+) can be opted for together under a single policy.
Illustrations of Different Variants of Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan
Bonuses offered by Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan comes with a bonus component subject to the performance of the company’s participating fund. This bonus rate is payable as a certain percentage of the annual premium paid, and it is declared at the end of financial year. The following are two types of bonuses this plan offers:
1. Cash bonus
Cash bonus is a certain percentage of your annual premium that is payable to you over time during the policy term.
a. For Insta Income, Balanced Income, and Lifelong Income variants
The cash bonus will be payable from the 1st Policy year. In case non-annual modes of Cash Bonus payout is opted for, it will start from the end of 1st policy month/quarter/Half Year onwards. In case the annual mode is opted for in arrears, it will start at the end of 1stpolicy year onwards from the date of risk commencement and be payable on the same date thereafter, every, month, quarter, half year, or year as applicable.
b. For Future Income variant
The cash bonus is payable one year after the completion of the premium payment term. In case of the non-annual mode of Cash Bonus payout is opted for, it will start from the end of 1st policy month/quarter/half year post the completion of the premium paying term. In case the annual mode is opted for in arrears, it will start at the end of 1st years after premium paying term ends. It will be payable on the same date thereafter, every year, month, quarter, or half year as applicable.
2. Terminal bonus
If declared, all eligible policies shall receive the terminal bonus on maturity or on exit due to death or surrender based on the terminal bonus rates declared by the company. Terminal Bonus is an additional bonus paid only ONCE, on earlier of death, surrender, or maturity. In the case of PCB, only a terminal bonus on maturity shall be payable, and no terminal bonus is payable at the time of death as the policy benefits continue.
The value of the terminal bonus can vary for death, surrender, and maturity.
How to Buy Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan?
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan comes in four different variants. You can choose a variant that suits your requirements the best. The following are the steps to follow to invest in this plan:
Step 1: As per your need, choose the plan variant from available options along with the policy term, premium paying term, and premium paying mode.
Step 2: Enhance the coverage with Policy Continuance Benefit (PCB) and/or any additional riders, based on your need.
Step 3: Select a premium amount, based on which your Sum Assured on Maturity (SAM) and Sum Assured at Death are calculated.
Step 4: Customise your income stream based on your choice of the date when you would like your payout in a year, frequency of payout, income benefit payout mode, and accrual options wherein you can choose if you would like to accrue survival benefits at inception or anytime during the policy term. Here, you may also choose to use the premium offset option where the future survival benefits shall be used to offset your premium amount.
With this four-step journey, you are assured to secure your family with a Life Cover and Savings benefits associated with your Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan.
What are the Rider Options Available with Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan?
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offers the following rider options along with its four different variants:
1. Axis Max Life Term Plus Rider (UIN:104B026V04)
If chosen, this rider provides additional lump sum benefit in case of death of the Life Insured.
2. Axis Max Life Waiver of Premium Plus Rider (UIN: 104B029V05)
This rider provides a waiver of all future premiums in case of Critical Illness or dismemberment or Death of the Life Insured. This rider is available even if the PCB option is selected under the base plan. In case PCB and Waiver of Premium Plus (WOP+) Rider are taken together, the WOP+ Rider covers only Critical Illness or dismemberment.
3. Axis Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider (UIN: 104B027V05)
This rider provides additional benefits in case of death or dismemberment of the Life Insured due to an accident.
4. Axis Max Life Critical Illness and Disability Rider (UIN: 104B033V02)
This rider provides an additional lump sum benefit in case the life insured is diagnosed with a critical illness.
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan is a highly recommended financial instrument for every individual who seeks to financially secure their life. This plan is highly versatile in terms of life coverage and investment and at the same time offers guaranteed returns, cash bonus, terminal bonus, maturity bonus, death benefit, and the greatest policy continuance benefit to meet the ever-increasing health and financial demands of life.
Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan - FAQs

Can I opt for Policy Continuance Benefit later?
Can I enhance the coverage offered by Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan?
Does Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan offer survival benefit?
How is the sum assured on maturity calculated?
Are there any discounts and special offers with Axis Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Growth Par Plan?
ARN NO: PDP/SWAGPar/011024
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