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Compound Interest Calculator

Compound Interest calculator

Compounding is the process of earning interest on past earnings. A compound interest calculator can help you figure out how much you will make if you put a set amount of money into an account and let it compound for a set period of time at a set yearly rate of return.

Let’s understand more about the power of compounding calculator. 

Amount (In Rupees)


  • 1k
  • 1 crore
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Half Yearly
  • Yearly
  • 5 Year
  • 30 Year
  • 5 Year
  • 30 Year
  • 1%
  • 20%

What is Compound Interest Calculator? 

A compound interest calculator simplifies compound interest calculations by eliminating the need for manual calculations. It can be used to determine the returns on investments that give compounding returns, such as mutual funds. It can be a handy tool that simulates the growth of investments over time.

To calculate compound interest, you’ll need three components: the principal amount, the interest rate, and the length of time the money is invested. A formula box on the compound interest calculator allows you to enter the compounding frequency, principal amount, rate of interest, and duration. The calculator will show you how much your investments will be worth in the future.

Benefits of the Compound Interest Calculator

A compound interest calculator can help you provide numbers that represent your returns made from an investment. It is an extremely useful tool that offers extensive benefits to investors. Here are some of the key benefits of using a compound interest calculator: -

· Reliable

A compound interest calculator is a farely reliable financial tool that helps identify how much investment one needs to make over a time frame.

· Customizable 

Many compound interest calculators are available online that can help you assign investments based on your requirements.

· Calculates Total Returns 

A compound interest calculator is a versatile tool that can help you estimate the total returns that can be made from a specific investment option. This makes future financial planning easy and simple.

Importance of Power of Compounding Calculator

The power of compounding calculator can assist you in comprehending how compounding contributes to long-term wealth creation. You can use it to make crucial financial decisions and manage your investments efficiently.

Here are some benefits of using a compound interest calculator in India:

1. Enables Financial Planning

A compound interest calculator can assist investors in carefully planning their future investments. Using this tool, investors can efficiently calculate how much the investment corpus can increase over time at a given compound interest rate. This facilitates financial planning and assists investors in achieving their life objectives.

2. Enables Comparison 

The power of compounding calculator is most helpful when it comes to comparing and evaluating the benefits of multiple investment scenarios. It allows you to examine how each metric affects your principal investment amount. You can make different variations of the investment amount, tenure or rate of return to analyse how it affects the resulting maturity value and determine which is the most suited for your financial goals. 

What is the Power of Compounding in Mutual Funds? 

The power of compounding refers to a strategy that multiplies the returns in mutual funds. The interest earned on the initial investment is reinvested in order to earn interest on interest. In other words, it is about earning profits on profits. It allows interest earned to earn interest, which leads to growth in the value of the returns.

The primary advantage of compounding is the appreciation of the value of investments. A chain reaction of investment occurs until the funds are kept for investment. The best way to take advantage of compounding is by: -

  • Investing as early as possible to create a huge corpus.
  • Regularity and discipline in investment.
  • Being patient and keeping the final goal in mind. 

3. Convenient to Use 

Using the power of compounding calculator is relatively simple. You do not need to be well-versed in investment terms and processes to use it. A beginner investor can use the calculator to better understand the projections for their invested money without any hassle.

4. Time-Saving 

Not only can an investor easily comprehend the power of compounding with the help of a compound interest rate calculator, but it also helps save time on the calculation and planning aspect. Making the computations by yourself can be inconvenient and time-consuming. They could also lead to a slew of mistakes, which can impact your financial planning. On the other hand, a compound interest calculator speeds up and improves the accuracy of the procedure.

3. Convenient to Use 

Using the power of compounding calculator is relatively simple. You do not need to be well-versed in investment terms and processes to use it. A beginner investor can use the calculator to better understand the projections for their invested money without any hassle.

4. Time-Saving 

Not only can an investor easily comprehend the power of compounding with the help of a compound interest rate calculator, but it also helps save time on the calculation and planning aspect. Making the computations by yourself can be inconvenient and time-consuming. They could also lead to a slew of mistakes, which can impact your financial planning. On the other hand, a compound interest calculator speeds up and improves the accuracy of the procedure.

5. No Costs Associated 

You can use our compound interest calculator to check the returns on your investment without paying a penny. It can assist you in making cost-effective financial plans for your future.

How to use Max Life Compound Interest Calculator? 

Here’s how our compound interest calculator can be used to determine the maturity value of your investments:

Step 1: First, you must assess the amount of your total investment, which is known as the principal amount. You can use the slider on the compound interest calculator to see how a different principal amount will affect the maturity value.

Let’s take the investment amount to be 5,000 in this scenario. 

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Step 2: Next, you need to choose a payment frequency towards the investment, whether annual, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly payments.

Let’s move ahead with monthly payments in this example. 

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Step 3: You must select a time period for payment. This is the duration for which you will be making the regular payments. In this case, you will be making a monthly investment for 5 years. 

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Step 4: You can choose the duration of investment. The duration of payments and investment can be different, depending on your financial profile and objective of investment. 

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Step 5: Choose the expected rate of return on the last step of the compound interest calculator to get relevant results. 

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Step 6: If you choose the expected rate of return (per annum) to be 8%, here’s what your returns will look like at the end of the investment period:

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Hence, an initial investment of 3 lakhs can grow up to 3.70 lakhs at the end of the investment period at the compound interest rate of 8%. You can use this compound interest formula calculator to ascertain the returns on your investments by using a combination of different variables. 

How Does the Power of Compounding Work? 

Compounding is the term used to describe the process where you receive ‘interest on interest’.

This happens when the profits from your investment are re-invested in the same investment option. In simpler terms, compounding enables you to earn interest on both the main and the accrued interest of your loan. Thus, the power of compounding can help you enormously increase your return on investment over time.

All you have to do is invest frequently and steadily over time to see your savings multiply.

This way, you may achieve your financial objectives considerably more quickly and with lesser effort. 

If you aren’t used to performing complex numbers, comprehending the power of compounding math may appear challenging. Fortunately, there are numerous compound interest calculators online that can assist you in swiftly estimating the returns you are expected to receive. 

Compounding is the term used to describe the process where you receive ‘interest on interest’.

This happens when the profits from your investment are re-invested in the same investment option. In simpler terms, compounding enables you to earn interest on both the main and the accrued interest of your loan. Thus, the power of compounding can help you enormously increase your return on investment over time.

All you have to do is invest frequently and steadily over time to see your savings multiply.

This way, you may achieve your financial objectives considerably more quickly and with lesser effort. 

If you aren’t used to performing complex numbers, comprehending the power of compounding math may appear challenging. Fortunately, there are numerous compound interest calculators online that can assist you in swiftly estimating the returns you are expected to receive. 


How to Improve Your Savings with Compound Interest?

The basic principle of compound interest is earning interest on interests. It makes money grow faster as more and more interest gets accumulated with time. The power of compounding creates a snowball effect since the initial investments grow along with interest earned from the investment.

The more time you give your investments to grow, the higher your returns will be. That is why saving early makes a difference. It puts the power of compounding in your favour and helps you fulfil your long-term financial objectives.

Compound Interest Formula and Calculation 

This is the interest that is earned on both the principal amount and the interest amount.

A = P (1+r/n) ^ (n * t)


A = Maturity amount

P = Principal amount

r = rate of interest in decimals

n = number of compounding in a year

t = number of years

Now that you know the compound interest formula let’s use it to calculate compound interest. For a deposit amount of Rs.10,000 that is kept for a tenure of 3 years at a quarterly compounding interest rate of 10%, the interest at the time of maturity would be:

A= 10,000 {1 + (0.1/4)} ^ (4 * 3)

A = 10,000 (1 + 0.025) ^ (12)

A = 10,000 (1.025) ^ (12) = Rs. 13,449 (approximately)

Compound Interest (CI) = Maturity Amount – Principal Amount

CI = 13,449 – 10,000 = Rs. 3,449

Maturity amount at the end of the 3-year deposit tenure: Rs.10,3449


What Is Daily, Monthly & Yearly Compounding?

Compounding frequency refers to the number of times interest is calculated in a year. When deciding between simple and compound interest, compound interest is always the winner. There is, however, a way to make compound interest work harder for you. You can also look at how often the interest is compounded when choosing an investment option that offers compound interest.

The amount of compound interest increases as the frequency of compounding increases.

The most common compounding frequencies are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annually. Choosing a daily compounding frequency means that your interest is compounded every day.

 As a result, based on the interest added to your initial investment, you will earn a fresh sum every day. Similarly, for other frequencies, the interest will be compounded at the decided intervals. 

Compounding frequency refers to the number of times interest is calculated in a year. When deciding between simple and compound interest, compound interest is always the winner. There is, however, a way to make compound interest work harder for you. You can also look at how often the interest is compounded when choosing an investment option that offers compound interest.

The amount of compound interest increases as the frequency of compounding increases.

The most common compounding frequencies are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annually. Choosing a daily compounding frequency means that your interest is compounded every day.

 As a result, based on the interest added to your initial investment, you will earn a fresh sum every day. Similarly, for other frequencies, the interest will be compounded at the decided intervals. 


It’s critical to start saving and investing as soon as possible to get the most out of your compound interest investment. The more time you give your money to compound and increase, the more money you will have.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Investments Should I Make to Get the Benefits of Compounding? 

Compound interest is available on a variety of investments in India. You can use the power of compounding calculator to assess the benefits of many of these investments if you stay involved for the long term. ULIP plans, Public Provident Fund (PPF), mutual funds, a fixed deposit with reinvestment, and the National Pension Scheme (NPS) are just a few examples.

2. Should I go for Daily Compounding or Monthly Compounding? 

The concept is that the shorter the compounding period, the larger the interest rate. Although the difference may not be significant, daily compounding is preferable to most investors. Daily compounding will result in a slightly greater interest rate than the other options.

3. How Is Compound Interest Different from Simple Interest?

Simple interest is interest calculated just on the principal amount. Whereas compound interest is computed on both the principal and the interest component of a loan. In simple words, compound interest is interest on interest.

For example, if the principal is Rs. 20,000 and the cumulative interest is Rs. 4,000, interest is only computed on Rs. 20,000 under a simple interest scheme with a 10% interest rate. However, interest is calculated on Rs. 24,000, i.e., principal + interest in a compound interest investment. You can use a compound interest calculator online to quickly determine the maturity value of an investment.

4. How Often Is Interest Compounded? 

It’s also vital to understand the frequency at which interest is compounded to better understand the power of compounding. Depending on the investment or scheme, compound interest can be calculated daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

5How To Calculate Compound Interest? 

It can be calculated using the compound interest formula calculator, which is readily available online. Once you put in the necessary details such as investment amount, period, and the expected annual rate of return, the calculator will display the corresponding results.

6. What is the formula for calculating compound interest? 

Here is the formula for calculating compound interest: A = P (1 + r/n)^n*t

P – Principal amount

A – Compound Interest

R – Rate of interest

N – Frequency of compounding

t – Number of years

7. What is the effective interest rate annually? 

An effective interest rate refers to the real return on any type of interest-paying investment after the effects of compounding over time are considered.

8. Is it possible to compute my returns on my National Savings Certificate? 

People who invest in National Savings Certificate (NSC) can easily compute the amount they will receive at maturity. By entering the basic details on an online compound interest calculator, individuals can find out the returns on NSC.

9. Do I need to pay a fee to use an online compound interest calculator?

No, most compound interest calculators available online are free to use.

10Is an online compound interest calculator dynamic enough to handle the fluctuating rate of interest? 

Yes. Online compound interest calculators usually ask you to enter the investment amount, interest rate, time period, etc., manually so they can deliver dynamic results as per your requirements.

11What are compound interest investments? 

Compound interest investments are the investments that earn interest on interest. It allows interest earned to earn interest, which leads to growth in the value of the returns.

Some of the compound interest investments include: -

  • Fixed Deposits
  • Recurring Deposits
  • National Savings Certificate (NSC)
  • Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF)

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