World Mental Health Day, Oct 10: What is the Importance of Communication?

“There is no health without Mental Health” -David Satcher

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Humans are complex beings. We tend to react to situations differently and go through a lot of changes in our emotions and moods daily. Stress is a part of life and demands time to adapt. Our mental health determines our capacity to handle stress and how we relate to others. Therefore, mental health matters the same as our physical health. It is essential to ensure that our mind is in the right place, whether it is our personal life or professional.

Many people do not believe in sharing their concerns with a confidant as they do not realize the importance of communication. But sharing what’s troubling, you might help you put things in a different perspective and give you the courage to handle the hardest of situations.

How India Perceives Mental Health

1. Segment 1 indicates the section of people who do not discriminate with people having any mental illness and believe that it could happen to anyone of any age group

2. Segment 2 is the largest segment of the study and refers to the group of people who lack awareness and thus end up judging those who might be facing any mental health condition

3. Segment 3 indicates the people who live in fear of being judged and therefore refrain from having a conversation about their suffering from a mental illness 


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Many people still fear to get out and ask for help in case of any mental health conditions. 20% of Indians may suffer from depression in their lifetime, according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), India. Another study by the National Mental Health Survey, India (2015- 16)* has estimated that only about 10-12% of people going through depression in India get treated and that India needs to talk about mental illness.

Every sixth person in India needs mental health assistance. The gap between the people suffering and the people getting the treatment is primarily due to a lack of awareness among the masses.

Stigma and awareness about mental health are the two broad fields that India needs to catch up on. The people suffering should understand the importance of communication and how having a conversation helps. The idea of seeking support through therapists and psychologists is gradually normalizing.

Deepika Padukone recently shared her story on how she overcame depression. She aimed to encourage people dealing with mental health issues to come out through her journey of struggle. She said, “If I can impact one life in this entire process of speaking up and letting people know that it's something I have been through and something that I could deal with because I had a fantastic support system."

How to Address A Mental Illness?

A mental health condition is just like any other ailment which has specific treatment. If you notice someone around you having a breakdown regularly, do not assume that they are seeking attention or are just having mood swings. One should be alert about such behavior and convince the person suffering from having a chat or visiting a counselor/therapist. Discussing your issues with someone can help ease the healing process and can bring out the possible cause.


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Communication plays an important role in understanding the difficulty a person might be going through. Having an open conversation with someone you trust can work wonders in relieving stress. Just like any other physical illness, you need to see a doctor and get proper medication for a mental condition too.

Know Your Real Value

People often undervalue themselves and end up feeling worthless. According to the National Mental Health Survey, people in the lower-income group suffer more mental health-related issues, and they are the ones that lack awareness the most. This underestimation is because people equate their value with the paycheque, they bring back home. The truth is, you are much more than that.

To sustain a good state of mental health, you need to know how to manage stress. People deal with all kinds of social and emotional problems today, such as getting a job or handling the responsibilities of their family.

You are much more than the financial value you bring into your family. As life is unpredictable and nobody has seen the future, one should always prepare for uncertainties.

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So, do not undervalue yourselves and do not let the fear rule you in seclusion. One does not realize the importance of having a conversation until they have someone to confide into, which often make the situations better.


ARN:- 17102019/KC13